🚀 University Partnership Opportunity 🚀

4925 Reviews

100% Practical

Virtual Internship 2024

Intenrships with

6000+ Students Placed

17 Certificates ALL-IN-ONE Online Course

1 - 3 Months 200 Hours Duration

6000+ Interns Certified

For Universities On Credit Cards

Unlock Future of Skills with SkillFuture's Virtual Internship

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Starts at only


Per Student

Internship Streams

Welcome to SkillFuture, where the future of skills begins! We’re thrilled to offer your university the opportunity to enroll your students in our Full Stack Future Skills Virtual Bootcamp – a unique and immersive virtual internship program that delves into the most sought-after areas of the tech landscape.  

Module 1: Rapid Prototyping and MVP Development
To equip startup founders with the skills to swiftly and efficiently develop prototypes and Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) for rapid testing and validation of business ideas.
1. Agile Methodologies:
   – Understanding Agile Principles
   – Scrum and Kanban Frameworks
   – Agile Project Management Tools
2. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Strategies:
   – Defining MVP in Startup Context
   – Identifying Core Features for MVP
   – Lean Canvas for MVP Planning
3. Speed-to-Market Techniques:
   – Rapid Prototyping Tools and Platforms
   – Collaborative Design Thinking
   – User Feedback and Iterative Development
Activities and Assessments:
– Hands-On Prototyping:
  – Students engage in creating rapid prototypes using tools like Sketch, Figma, or InVision.
– MVP Simulation:
  – Develop a simulated MVP for a hypothetical startup, incorporating user feedback and iteration.
– Participants will gain proficiency in employing Agile methodologies for rapid development.
– Understanding of MVP strategies to validate product-market fit efficiently.
– Ability to utilize various prototyping tools and techniques to bring ideas to life quickly.Module 1: Rapid Prototyping and MVP Development
To equip startup founders with the skills to swiftly and efficiently develop prototypes and Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) for rapid testing and validation of business ideas.
1. Agile Methodologies:
   – Understanding Agile Principles
   – Scrum and Kanban Frameworks
   – Agile Project Management Tools
2. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Strategies:
   – Defining MVP in Startup Context
   – Identifying Core Features for MVP
   – Lean Canvas for MVP Planning
3. Speed-to-Market Techniques:
   – Rapid Prototyping Tools and Platforms
   – Collaborative Design Thinking
   – User Feedback and Iterative Development
Activities and Assessments:
– Hands-On Prototyping:
  – Students engage in creating rapid prototypes using tools like Sketch, Figma, or InVision.
– MVP Simulation:
  – Develop a simulated MVP for a hypothetical startup, incorporating user feedback and iteration.
– Participants will gain proficiency in employing Agile methodologies for rapid development.
– Understanding of MVP strategies to validate product-market fit efficiently.
– Ability to utilize various prototyping tools and techniques to bring ideas to life quickly.
Learning Objective: Learn to build the frontend of an e-Commerce store from scratch all with your imagination without using coding or technical work with ongoing support from IIEC.
Choosing a Domain Name
Understanding Site Design
Low Cost Web Development
Best Hosting Service
Creating Search Engine Friendly Contents
Publishing Your E-Commerce Webstore Online
Learning Objective: In this module, IIEC will teach you E-Commerce Cashflow Management, Power of Affiliates, Selling Information, Payment Gateways, Shopping Cart Solutions, inventory Management, Logistics.
Understanding Cash Flow in E-Commerce
Power of Affiliate Networks For E-Commerce Sales
How to Sell Information Online
Scrum Foundations (5 Scrum Values)
Payment Gateways
Shopping Cart Solution
Inventory Management
E-Commerce Logistics & Order Fulfillment
Learning Objective: This module teaches you how to incorporate a business, the laws and also the Intellectual Property Rights such as Copyright, Trademark & Patents to protect an E-Commerce Business model.
Business Laws
Types of Business Incorporations
Intellectual Property Rights Of Your E-Commerce Business
E-Commerce Business Taxation
Learning Objective: Learn why Dropshipping can be a profitable and exciting area for first-time entrepreneurs looking for a business to start.
Introduction to Dropshipping
Supply Chain & Fulfillment Process
Finding Suppliers & Wholesalers
Profitable Product Selection
Analysing Data Trends
Dropshipping on Various E-Commerce Marketplaces
Inventory Management & Order Fulfillment
National & International Shipping
Learning Objective: Learn to sell products in wholesale ( B2B ) globally and get a Professional Certification in “E-Commerce & Global Trade” from Indian Institute of E-Commerce and inttco Singapore ( B2B Global Trade Company).
Introduction to E-Commerce
Online Shopping Process
Starting Your Own E-Commerce Store
Profitable Product Selection
Analyse E-Commerce Market Opportunity
Target Customer Identification
Pricing Your Products
E-Commerce Idea Validation & Brand Positioning
Learning Objective: Learn about the top E-Commerce Store’s Security & customer Frauds, developing E-Commerce security planning, making the store hack proof and more.
Introduction to E-Commerce Security Management
E-Commerce Store Security & Customer Frauds
E-Commerce Information Security Planning
Making Your E-Commerce Store Hack Proof

Learning Objective: Learn how to make a Retail Store Cashier less, Learn major design trends and techniques used by successful retailers around the world – techniques that they can implement themselves to improve shopper experience in their own stores.

Introduction to Digital TransformationIntroduction to Digital Transformation
Online Business Platforms
Entering From Retail to Online
E-Commerce Marketplaces
Selling on Social Media Network
Optimising Product Page
Retail to Online Store’s User Experience
Learning Objective: Learn the Recent Update on GST and The Impact of GST on E-Commerce Businesses, Get thorough understanding of the GST tax regime and will be “GST Ready” for the coming future.
Agile ManifestoIntroduction to GST for E-Commerce
Problems before GST
Features of GST
Register for GST
Filing GST Returns
Claiming GST Credit

Learning Objective: Practically understand Digital Marketing Strategies, learn to focus on every step of your customer, thinking like a CEO, Story Telling, Digital Marketing Tools.

Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
Understanding Customer Persona
Developing Digital Marketing Framework
Digital Brand Awareness
Digital Marketing Tools used in E-Commerce
Keeping Your Company in E-Commerce Trend
Learning Objective: Learn how marketing automation transforms email marketing to support multichannel marketing campaigns and increase lead generation and conversion.
Automation Bots for your E-Commerce Marketing Strategy
Automating Interaction with your Website Visitors
Automating Marketing Research
Automating Lead Nurturing
User Experience Automation
Automating Social Media Messaging
Automating Team Management
Automating Sales of your Products
Learning Objective: Learn what strategies make Uber, Airbnb and top e-commerce startups an billion dollar business. Learn the marketing hacks and growth secrets today.

Introduction to Growth Hacking

Understanding the profile of a growth hacker
The Growth Hacking Process
The Growth Hacker Funnel
Push & Pull Tactics in Growth Hacking
Product Tactics for Getting Visitors
How to Retain Users
Tools & Terminology in Growth Hacking
Learning Objective: Get the best-in class hands-on practice on all the industry-related SEO tools and applications to get Product Pages to Rank #1 on Google, Learn SEO that works for E-Commerce Stores.


Introduction to Search Engine Optimization
On-page & Off-page SEO
Blackhat SEO Vs White Hat SEO
Keyword Research & Link Building
How Google Ranks Content
Indexation & Accessibility
Site Speed & Performance
SEO Tools
Learning Objective: Understand the basics of Youtube, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram and blogging.Use social media not just for marketing, but for customer services & PR.


Introduction to Social Media
Social Media Best Practices
Social Media Metrics & ROI
Finding the Right Social Media Network
Facebook & Twitter Marketing
Google + & Linkedin Marketing
Youtube & Pinterest Marketing
E-Commerce Idea Validation & Brand Positioning

Learning Objective: Learn to develop over 42 different types of Audio, Visual & Text contents that can help your products to get sold online. Get Tools & Software to Practice content development.

Introduction to Content Development
Content Development in Pinterest
Content Development in Linkedin
Content Development in Twitter
Content Development in Facebook
Creating Customer Targeted Content Development
Creating Inbound Public Reations Content
Learning Objective: Learn the top Web content development by researching, writing, gathering, organizing, and editing information for publication on websites.
Creating Compelling Marketing Content
Creating an Effective Content Marketing Strategy
Creating Appropriate Content Guidelines
Identifying Promotional Opportunities
Content for Different Audience Segment
Promoting Content Through Different Channels
Finding Industry Influencers
Learning Objective: Learn how creating affiliates around you can provide a steady stream of income for your E-Commerce store. Learn different of CPA, CPC, CPM & CPV campaigns for an effective affiliate marketing.
Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing Strategies
Affiliate Marketing Paradigmss
Effective Promotional Strategies
Analyse E-Commerce Market Opportunity
Choosing the Best Affiliate Niche
Pros & Cons of Major Affiiiate Sites
Affiliate Marketing Resources

Online Practical Program


Hours Video Lecture


Online Practical Program


Hours Video Lecture

Why Choose SkillFuture?

Ignite Tomorrow's Tech Leaders Today: SkillFuture's Exclusive Virtual Internship Program - Empowering Students in AI, Data Science, Cybersecurity, and More!

Interns 2024

FutureSkills Revolution


Why Choose SkillFuture?

Don’t miss this opportunity to shape your students’ future in tech Skills. Secure spots for a minimum of 100 interns and kickstart their journey into the world of SkillFuture. Enrol Now!

Hands-On Experience:

Dive into real-world projects in collaboration with industry giants like Amazon, Alibaba, HubSpot, IBM, and Tableau. Our 100% practical approach ensures that your students not only learn but apply their skills in a professional setting.

Global Recognition:

Partnering with the biggest names in technology guarantees that your students gain exposure and recognition on a global scale, enhancing their profiles for future career opportunities.

Affordable Excellence:

SkillFuture believes in making quality education accessible. For just $100 per intern, your university can provide invaluable practical training to students across diverse tech domains.

Mentorship Program:

At SkillFuture, we understand the importance of mentorship in shaping successful careers. Our virtual internship program connects students with seasoned professionals from partner companies, offering guidance and insights that go beyond the curriculum.


What Interns Get?

These three major values underscore the justification for the payment made by interns, ensuring a comprehensive and rewarding experience that goes beyond the immediate training period.

Hands-On Practical Experience:

Value: Interns gain invaluable hands-on experience in real-world projects, collaborating with industry leaders such as Amazon, Alibaba, HubSpot, IBM, and more. Justification: The payment ensures that interns don't just acquire theoretical knowledge but actively apply their skills in a professional setting, significantly enhancing their employability.

lobal Recognition and Industry Exposure:

Value: Interns become part of a program partnered with prominent global companies, providing exposure and recognition on an international scale. Justification: The payment secures access to a network of industry giants, offering unique opportunities for mentorship, networking, and future career prospects, giving interns a competitive edge in the job market.

Certification for Career Advancement:

Value: Successful completion of the internship program results in a prestigious certification, showcasing proficiency in cutting-edge technologies. Justification: The payment not only covers the training but also secures a tangible credential that enhances interns' resumes and opens doors to exciting career paths, contributing to long-term professional growth.


How to Onboard Interns?

It’s that simple! Equip your students with hands-on experience in cutting-edge technologies and prepare them for a future of opportunities. Enroll today to unlock the potential of SkillFuture’s Virtual Internship Program for your university.

Step 1: Enroll Your University

Visit SkillFuture.com to initiate the enrollment process for your university. Provide basic details, and our streamlined system ensures a quick and hassle-free onboarding.

Step 2: Confirm Your Batch

Once enrolled, work with our team to confirm a batch of at least 100 students. A minimum of 100 enrollees ensures a robust learning experience for your students, setting the foundation for a successful internship program.

Step 3: Payment and Commencement

Secure your batch by submitting a payment of $10,000 ($100 per student). With the payment received, your students gain access to SkillFuture's exclusive Full Stack Future Skills Virtual Bootcamp, launching them into practical training with industry leader



E-Commerce Operations - Managing Inventory , Order Management, Catalog Management, Returns, Fulfilment,Digital Marketing, E-Commerce SEO, Social Media, E-Commerce Advertising, Growth Hacking, Marketing Automation, Data Analysis.


Video Based Training
Step-by-Step 200+ hours of processes, principles and checklist on fundamentals to advanced E-Commerce Store Management.
Instructor-Led Training

60 mins to 120 mins of Live Streaming group class per week on current and upcoming E-Commerce trends covering E-Commerce Operations , Marketing and Sales Strategies.

Practical Software Training

Learn to create a fully functional E-Commerce store using popular E-Commerce tools and submit assignment , get feedback from mentors and upgrade your E-Commerce skills practically



Up-to-date course contents by E-Commerce Industry Experts.

Live Mentorship Support
Free Updates
Life Time Access
Transparent Reporting:

Step 1: Student Onboarding

Seamlessly Enroll Students

Step 2: Personalized Learning Paths

Tailored Growth Journeys

Step 3: Mentorship Pairing

Expert Guidance Connections

Step 4: Immersive Practical Internship

Real-world Skill Application

Step 5: Skills Assessment and Progress Tracking

Measure and Advance Skills

Step 6: Certification and Recognition

Prestigious Endorsement Achieved

Step 7: Ongoing Support and Alumni Network

Lifelong Career Empowerment Support.



SkillFuture Internship Program is ideal for students eager to gain hands-on experience, collaborate with industry leaders, and elevate their skills across cutting-edge technologies.




Minimum 100 interns / institute.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning:

    • Explore the realms of AI and machine learning, understanding how algorithms and models can mimic human intelligence.
  2. Data Science and Analytics:

    • Dive into the world of data, uncovering actionable insights through statistical analysis and machine learning algorithms.
  3. Cybersecurity & Ethical Hacking:

    • Safeguard digital landscapes by mastering cybersecurity protocols and ethical hacking techniques.
  4. Blockchain Technology & Cryptocurrencies:

    • Decode the mysteries of blockchain, exploring decentralized systems and the innovative world of cryptocurrencies.
  5. Digital Marketing and Social Media Analytics:

    • Craft effective digital marketing strategies and harness the power of social media analytics for impactful online presence.
  6. Entrepreneurship & Startup Funding:

    • Navigate the entrepreneurial journey, from ideation to securing funding for startup ventures.
  7. Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities:

    • Connect devices and shape the future with IoT, contributing to the development of smart cities and interconnected ecosystems.
  8. Quantum Computing & Deepfake:

    • Explore the frontiers of computing with quantum technologies and understand the implications of deepfake technology.
  9. Web Development & Design Thinking:

    • Build engaging and user-friendly websites while incorporating design thinking principles for a human-centric approach.
  10. Global Trade – Import Export:

    • Uncover the intricacies of global trade, mastering the dynamics of import and export in a connected world.
  11. Software Development: Mobile App + Web Apps:

    • Develop cutting-edge software solutions, from mobile applications to web-based platforms.
  12. Content Creation & Social Media:

    • Master the art of content creation and harness the influence of social media platforms for effective communication.
  13. Public Relations & Natural Language Processing (NLP):

    • Shape public perceptions through strategic public relations, integrating natural language processing for effective communication.
  14. Customer Service, Sales, and Support:

    • Elevate customer experience by honing skills in customer service, sales, and robust support systems.
  15. Project Management & Operations Management:

    • Lead projects efficiently and optimize business operations with effective project and operations management.
  16. E-commerce Operations & Entrepreneurship:

    • Thrive in the e-commerce landscape by understanding operations and entrepreneurial strategies for online success.
  17. Environmental Sustainability ESG E-Commerce:

    • Champion environmental sustainability in e-commerce, embracing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles.